Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seeking Peace ... Chronicles of the Worst Buddha in the World

Recently I heard Mary Pipher being interviewed on CBC.

What stood out in my mind during the interview were her comments on insomnia, her problem being the same as mine, taking forever to fall asleep with a racing mind. She woke her husband one night to ask him what he had been thinking about as he drifted off, he stated pie, one of his favourite foods. He asked her what she was thinking about and she told him the holocaust! That says it all. I needed her book!

Once I started the book I felt that she was speaking to me, I just so got it.

She writes about being a worrier, that she longed for tranquility, that she rushed through life as though she was late for an appt, ruminates about the past and the future while skipping over the present moment. Me me me .She talks about being a seeker, Buddha who was a seeker and his teaching of ”Stop seeking.  Be here now.”

Talks of her crisis, being quiet and polite and how only those closest to her would anything was wrong.

The middle of the book is mostly about her childhood difficulties, this is not my experience at all. I had a very happy childhood but do experienced similar anxieties.

From the book:

“For years I have been living under the tyranny of “shoulds” Most of my shoulds were my own choices, but I was living as it they were orders.”

“If we are lucky, occasionally we experience a sparkling moment when we break out of our trance of self and are fully present. Sometimes these lead to epiphanies, which present us with “”aha” moments of new understanding. Our thoughts may simply be isn't this wonderful? Or isn't life amazingly rich and complicated?”

Near the end Mary states that she is aware of having only a finite number of Thanksgivings, full moons, and spring flowers left. The realization makes her sad but also makes her notice. She now says she does not squander much time or let moments of beauty pass her by.

This is not a how to book but it certainly helps to reflect on what is important in life.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

early evening in the garden

finally my morning glories are blooming, love this one and am thinking perhaps a watercolour may be in the future

my garden friend

Monday, September 20, 2010

Drank-automaat voor likeur / Liquor machine on the Leiziger Messe

Drank-automaat voor likeur / Liquor machine on the Leiziger Messe
Originally uploaded by Nationaal Archief

I came across this great photo on Flickr! Who would have thought that you could purchase drinks on the street in Germany in 1931.

I know I am spending too much time on Flickr but I just cannot stop, I am totally addicted and so inspired.

Vrouw met hoed en lange regenjas / Woman wearing a hat and a long raincoat

Vrouw met hoed en lange regenjas / Woman wearing a hat and a long rain coat
Originally uploaded by Nationaal Archief

I love so much about this photo. The black and white is just gorgeous, love the pose, the trench coat, hat and even the cigarette!

Monday, September 06, 2010

end of summer

a few snippets from our summer vacation, something to cheer me up as the end of summer always makes me sad...

a good book

heading to the beach to take in the sunset

Tom in his funny pants

Steve takes some pics

Maddie and Isaac

Shelley our daughter's very good friend

Linsy and Jay

my brother Danny

Maddie on Danny's Seadoo


Mallory, Linsy, Tracey, Jenny and I

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world that was always June...L.M. Montgomery

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Annual Family Camping Holiday

Our first time camping at The Pinery even though it is only an hour away from Stratford. I have a love/hate relationship with camping, love the family time, the beach, the night noises, the simple food, hate the washrooms, the sand in the tent, the disorganization etc. We had a wonderful time as we always do!

Melaina and Maddie pitch thier tent

Isaac on a cool night

our son in law Steve relaxes

Isaac waits for the sunset

and the sun sets