Monday, January 17, 2011

Book List

It is just so dangerous for me to read book reviews! This is the need to read list that I made this evening after reading Globe Arts.

The Lake of Dreams - Kim Edwards
The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver
Personal Matter - Kenzaburo Oe
The Guardians - Andrew Pyper

A Collection of Essays - George Orwell
Little Princes - Conor Grenan
Even Silence Has an End - Ingrid Betancourt

Now this is one arts section out of one issue of one newspaper. Yes I was the type of child that read the ceral boxes cover to cover as I was eating breakfast and yes I did have a hidden flashlight!

A little tidbit from the Andrew Pyper review is that Andrew calls Stratford (he is from here) ''Woodstock with rouge"


  1. It's a great list, Karen. We drove to Baddeck to pick up the weekend Globe (there is no delivery here on the Shore nor any stores that carry the Globe so we have to go to town to get it) so I read that Books section too. I used to keep a notebook of "to read" books, but I'm not that organized anymore. I've become an on-hand reader, and have lately found myself browsing my own shelves for books I bought and never got around to or want to re-read, like Michael Polan's beautifully written and fascinating Botany of Desire, which has now made me think I can never eat an agri-business potato ever again, and that I'd love to have an apple orchard. Should mention how much I've been enjoying your blog, great photos and a very interesting life journey going on. Good luck! -- Susan

  2. Thanks Susan for your kind words.

    I have to be careful that I don't turn my blog into a journal. I have stacks of them with lots of rants etc. Don't know that I want to expose that much of myself onlin., Kind of prefer a slightly more edited version. Not that too many read my blog but you just never know.

    I have not read Michael Polan's Botany of Desire, will have to check it out. I wonder how long it takes an apple orchard to grow??? You certainly grow lovely food items as I have seen in your pics.

    Hope you are enjoying winter and have been skating, playing hockey etc. Loved your pics form last year.



  4. Aaron
    I read the above article and quite enjoyed it. In spite of it all I still love books for many different reasons. I do recall telling you when you were very young that if you grew to love books you would never be lonely. That probably is only about 80% true, but can you owner of hundreds of books and I the storer of many of those books along with all of my own books imagine a life without books?

    I will always think that people who do not read are missing a whole dimension in their life but that is only my opinion because I cannot imagine a life without reading.

    Now it would be even better if I could remember all that I have read!

