Friday, May 21, 2010


This morning I met with my very good friend Lori who mentioned that she was missing my posts, especially the postcards that I have been receiving.

Well I have been very busy with this course I am working on. Anatomy and Physiology for Assessment, I have a love/hate relationship with this textbook! There is definitley lots of cool information in it but oh some of it is just drudgery. I will finish it though, one way or the other.

I promised Lori I would post today with pics of the postcards and as I arrived home there was a new card in my mailbox!

I received this one today form Roberta in Lithuania, she purchased the card in France last summer.
I love it!

This card arrived a few weeks ago from Jim in Germany and he purchased it in Scotland.

Love this card from China!


Now knowing how much I love all things paper Lori brought this card back from her recent trip to the market in perfect considering my Leonard obsession...Bird on a Wire...thanks my friend xo



  1. Thank YOU Karen I really enoy your hurry up and finish that darn course! L ox

  2. I, too, love looking at your cards and as I'm also a Leonard fan, love the birds on the wire. Is there an artist attached to that card? Good luck with your course. -- Susan

  3. Thanks Susan
    Unfortunately there is not an artist attached to the card. It makes me happy to share these lovely postards that I am receiving, nice that you enjoy them as well.

    As for the course, I am making progress!

    Hope life is good in Cape Breton right now and you are writing up a storm.

