Monday, April 13, 2015


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it.
Action has magic, grace and power in it.

Again it has been along while since I have posted. Planning to change that! 

Recently I have been working through Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way. Oh yes I have started this many times in the past but this time I am doing it as part of a group. We  check in via conference call every week. It is fun, it is intimidating and it is inspiring. And best of all I keep going. This is the furthest I have ever gone. I guess I am putting it out there to add another layer of commitment. 

Friday, January 30, 2015


Artful  is the work I have chosen for my intention in  2015      

I want this to to be my most artful year ever. Often I put art second after I get everything else done and of course what happens is I never ever get everything else done!

Currently I am working on  a watercolour that I had planned to create last year. One of the ways I plan keep going is making the commitment and posting a few photos on social media. There is something about going public that make me feel accountable. Fear is a big issue as well. I just want to paint a masterpiece, there is no room for failure here. I am getting over that by just picking up that brush and letting it happen. It feels good!

this is a photo trio of parts of my partially finished painting

Something else I am working on is a 365 photography project. I did one a few years ago using mostly my iPhone camera. This time I am using my real camera. Even better I am using manual settings and trying to learn to make this camera work for me. There is a prompt to follow each day which gets me thinking.

Capture Your 365 Photography Project
Day 3 Prompt
Open Possibilities

This is a photo of a collage card that I created for 2015

There are other things I am working towards as well and will cover in  future posts.