Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another Christmas

It came, it was fun, it went fast! Just a few pics taken using my brand new gift to myself an external flash for my camera. Still learning but happy with the results!

Jenny, our daughter with her Dad


My Dad


Our eldest grandaughter Melaina

# 2 and 3 grandchildren Gabrielle and Isaac

The youngest with her ombre hair, no flash

Our sin in law Stephen, the great father of these grandchildren

The girls and Michael, Stephen's cousin

Gloria, Stephen's mom Melaina and Earl, Stepehen's cousin

What a great day!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Happy Saturday

Well it has certainly been such a long time since I have posted anything! Not entirely sure what happened. Actually things did happen. I lost my Mom on March 5, 2013. I think my heart broke, actually it did break for a while.  I seemed to have lost much of my creativity, I feel now it is starting to come back.

Recently I have taken a photography course. This was to get me going again. I had become quite lazy, mostly taking quick iPhone pics. Some were pretty good, some ok and some dreadful. Now I am ready to do some creative stuff again.

I have two shows coming up to sell my cards. I have been happily getting ready for those.

Happy Saturday!