Tom setting up |
As I was saying yesterday the democracy group that Tom belongs to was staging an info session on a street corner near the river. It was also Swan Parade Day so there were lots of people milling about. Swans are big in Stratford, I like swans but believe me there are the
swan obsessed here in Stratford but that is a whole other story.
info |
My job was to take pics. I am not part of the group, in other words I am not into politics but I must admit that I learned something yesterday. This group is wonderful. They care about Canada and all Canadians. They do not have their own agenda, they believe in the greater good, democracy, freedom and fairness. This is a non partisan group which many people just don't get at all. I do admit it is confusing. Their mandate seems to be "Wake up Canada" "Be Informed" Get out there and vote.
Dawn speaking from the heart |
Dawn and Leslie
While I was hanging out, taking pics etc I heard so many many comments. Some very positive! Lots of thumbs up. As I was handing out pamphlets some people said thank you and I am proud of what you are doing. Others well not so nice! I heard people say "get a job" "get a life" "shut up" "f@#* off"' if you don't like it move". I was shocked! I had no idea how divided people seem to be. And this group was about democracy. One woman left me speechless! She asked me what party
we were representing. I informed her that we were representing democracy and were non partisan. Her comment was "well I think this is in very bad taste" then she walked away in a huff. I quietly said "I am sorry that you feel that way".
Melissa |
Michael and Fiona |
What a fun informative day, I was happy to be part of it even though it is not something I would normally do. I guess it is a good thing to sometimes just put yourself out there.
By the way the pj's were part of the message Wake Up Canada