Friday, December 02, 2011
Iris Study
This iris was painted from a photo that I took last summer. I actually painted 2 different versions, one a small 8 x 8 inches with lots of detail. Still have a little more work to do on the background which ended up being more challenging than the detail work.
The photo above is the painting that I enjoyed most of all. 12 x 18 inches, loose style, more of a study, monochromatic. Fun! I just used 2 colours Ultramarine and Alizarin Crimson, both Winsor and Newton Artist Colours. Enjoyed the mixing, getting different shades and strengths of blues and purples.
Will post photo of the "other" painting when finished. In the meantime off to the framers for this one!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Originally uploaded by Maureclaire
Loving this photo that I came across on flickr today! The little girl is so cute in her mix of dots, stripes etc. Can' t help but wonder what is her relationship to the man next to her? Or is he a stranger ? Is the man holding a pencil? Are they waiting for a train, a bus? Just makes me wonder about so many things, a great slice of life photo!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Mixed Emotions
Recently I read a wonderful book by Gabrielle Roy called Children of My Heart and this passage has stayed with me. Funny how when I read a book there is usually at least one sentence or perhaps a whole paragraph that stands out or speaks to me in some way. When that happens I just have to write it down. I do keep a written journal and that is usually where I record these special words, this one I really wanted to share, should someone come across this post.
In the book the protagonist, a young teacher takes one of her students, who is a wonderful singer to an old age home. She goes on to describe the condition of some of the elderly there and the joy that they received by having this young fellow sing for them. Many reached out for him, some thinking he was the child that they had lost or remembered from many years ago.
Beautiful, but sad and frightening at the same time.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
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in Ros and Sergei's garden |
So much time has passed since my last post.
September...sigh ..not a month that I love. I love June, the beginning of summer, the promise ahead of sunshine, long days, beautiful soft nights, star gazing and on and on. September arrives, summer is OVER! Everything feels different. Suddenly there are schedules, classes to attend, the urge to accomplish "something". Yes these can be positives for many, but not for me. Even as a child in September I only liked the first day of school, the new clothes, school supplies, seeing friends. I missed the long lazy days, the picnics, hanging out at the pool, camping with my family. When my children were young I felt the same. I was always sad to see them back at school. I missed them! So here we are half way through September, I am trying to look at the positive. What I do see is the birth of both of my children. September 14th our daughter, September 19th our son, 6 years apart. I so clearly remember both of those perfect beautiful sunny September days and the wonderful fall walks with baby in a carriage, you know those old fashioned navy blue and white carriages with big spokey wheels...sheer bliss. Does anyone even use those any more, does anyone have the time?
So what will I do this September...start some painting, get back to yoga, join a book club. I promise myself to look at this time in a positive way, to get myself more involved, to enjoy each and every day without regret. If perhaps I fall by the wayside and just spend some time gazing out the window or doing absolutely nothing that is OK too. A little part of me just will not follow the rules.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A New Love
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Tender Tending
Tender Tending
Originally uploaded by carvermon
As I was enjoying flickr I came across this lovely image...I just cannot stop looking at it. Somehow it takes me to a calm space. I can feel it in so many ways. This is exactly what I need right now since I am feeling a little overwhelmed, tense and needing to breathe.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Stratford Democracy Watch
Tom setting up |
As I was saying yesterday the democracy group that Tom belongs to was staging an info session on a street corner near the river. It was also Swan Parade Day so there were lots of people milling about. Swans are big in Stratford, I like swans but believe me there are the swan obsessed here in Stratford but that is a whole other story.
info |
My job was to take pics. I am not part of the group, in other words I am not into politics but I must admit that I learned something yesterday. This group is wonderful. They care about Canada and all Canadians. They do not have their own agenda, they believe in the greater good, democracy, freedom and fairness. This is a non partisan group which many people just don't get at all. I do admit it is confusing. Their mandate seems to be "Wake up Canada" "Be Informed" Get out there and vote.
Dawn speaking from the heart |
Dawn and Leslie |
While I was hanging out, taking pics etc I heard so many many comments. Some very positive! Lots of thumbs up. As I was handing out pamphlets some people said thank you and I am proud of what you are doing. Others well not so nice! I heard people say "get a job" "get a life" "shut up" "f@#* off"' if you don't like it move". I was shocked! I had no idea how divided people seem to be. And this group was about democracy. One woman left me speechless! She asked me what party we were representing. I informed her that we were representing democracy and were non partisan. Her comment was "well I think this is in very bad taste" then she walked away in a huff. I quietly said "I am sorry that you feel that way".
Melissa |
Michael and Fiona |
Leslie |
messages |
Sunday, April 03, 2011
If I Wasn't so Tired
Friday, April 01, 2011
Getting Started
Sometimes it can just be so hard to begin a new project, especially when it involves something creative. When it comes to painting I am always full of self doubt.
I don't know where to start...what if I make a mess of it... what if I can't do it... I don't know how to hold my brush...I don't know what colours to use...I don't even remember how to mix colour... or how much water...blah blah blah
This was me about a month or so ago, then I met with Ros who has inspired me to get started. I have had a few sessions with her to give me the boost, push and shove that I need. So I have found that I can hold my brush and actually apply paint to that pristine sheet of white paper! I have a momentum going where painting has become part of my day and it feels so good.
Last night while looking through a book on painting flowers I came accross this and loved it!
Loose this day loitering-t'will be
The same story tomorrow-and
The next day more dilatory.
Then indicision brings its own delays
And days are lost lamenting o'er lost days.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute.
What can you do or dream you can do, begin it:
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Only imagine, then the mind grows heated.
Begin it, then the work will be completed.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
looks like a fish
looks like a fish
Originally uploaded by hyacinth50
I posted this still life on flickr today because when I look at this red onion, it makes me think of a fish, kind of a nice round plump fish!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Toys and Emotions
My toys! Dolls mostly. I love dolls, all kinds of dolls, baby dolls, barbie dolls, walking dolls, talking dolls, paper dolls and have always loved them. I was a girly girly for sure.
I have been exploring emotions by photographing toy dolls in various ways. Not exactly sure why I am doing this other than emotions are very close to the surface for me andI love playing especially with a camera so here are a few examples of what I have been doing.
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lost |
startled diminished stuck Not sure where I am going with this but it is fun. All the dolls are Tim Burton creations other than the very last one which is a Blythe Pet Shop Doll. My daughter and her famly gave the Blythe Doll to me for my birthday which my son in law could just not figure out but I know he will! They also gave me a street art stencil book, my son in law Steve picked this out and I promised him that at some place not sure when or where I will leave a little graffitti which on my to do list before I am done! Notice how I did not give a time frame here or say before I die. |
Friday, March 25, 2011
Rainy day in old and beautiful Ciutadella
Rainy day in old and beautiful Ciutadella
Originally uploaded by B℮n
Oh how I love flickr!
Imagine all of the photographers out there exploring their surroundings and then sharing with the world. It does not seem to matter where the images are taken, whether in your own place or in some distant land. For some, emotion just oozes from the scene captured, as in this one. I can feel this photo, the spring rain, by the light it must be spring, the solitude amid these beautiful old buildings. I love the rose coloured raincoat snug in the narrow street!
Such beauty to be shared!
Come Together Right Now and Vote Him Out
I am probably one of the least politcal people you could ever meet but when I came across this clip today I just had to share it!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The photograph below was taken in my garden late last summer. This is what I am working on in watercolour at the moment. I plan to introduce some gouache at some point, most likely on the flower. I am getting some guidance from a wonderful artist Ros Harrush, who I has had me into her studio, lucky me!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Another Birthday and Thank You's
Thank you to both of my wonderful children for your phone calls, my daughter Jenny who lives in Toronto with her her husband Steve, the best son in law in the whole world and my four amazing grandchildren, Melaina, Gabrielle, Isaac and Madeline.
Thanks to my son Aaron who at the moment is in Victoria BC at school and will be heading back to Tofino in a few weeks to spend his summer surfing and working. Thanks also to my parents for your call, everyday I forever grateful to have you in my life.
Thanks to Tom for the my gift! The Art of Tim Burton. What a beautiful book. I will treasure it forever. Also thanks for the yummy chocolate cake, it feeds the child in me.
Well I am getting this in at the last is 11:54 pm! I wish it could have been more creative but that will come because I intend this to be the most creative year of my life!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Snowy Day in Stratford
First of all to one of the beautful parks and I was the only one there! I was thrilled, just me and all of this gorgeous white stuff!
Friday, March 04, 2011
Believe it or not I actually found this quite relaxing!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
What to Wear
It goes without saying that when you are young you can wear almost anything and look wonderful. So what I just cannot figure out is why so many very bad clothes fill the racks in so many shops. Have a look at the local Sears here in Stratford, horrors...not a designer dud in sight! Thankfully we do have a Winners and some very good local boutiques!
The point of all of this is the question why are there so few publications dedicated to helping the mature woman in her quest to pull a stylish, practical age appropriate look together. Think clothes, hair styles, skin care, makeup etc. Lots out there for the younger set but hey what about me!
So my quest begins. I am on the lookout and plan to post what I can find.
Now the online shopping sight Beyond the Rack is a very cool sight. Once you sign up you get emails everyday with updates on the current specials. Very tempting! The only item I have ordered so far is a watch which I am hoping will arrive some time this week.
For a very cool photo fashion blog check out
More to come...
Friday, February 04, 2011
I don't know who you are but I think you are cool
Friday, January 28, 2011
Elizabeth Lesser: Take "the Other" to lunch | Video on
I wish everyone would watch this!
Elizabeth Lesser: Take "the Other" to lunch Video on