I cannot help but spend too much time exploring the photo site called Flickr. I have a link to my flickr photos in the sidebar, this will take you to the Flickr site. Today I came across some amazing pics from archives in The Hague over the last 100 years. This one made me sigh...so beautiful!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
This is Fashion!
I cannot help but spend too much time exploring the photo site called Flickr. I have a link to my flickr photos in the sidebar, this will take you to the Flickr site. Today I came across some amazing pics from archives in The Hague over the last 100 years. This one made me sigh...so beautiful!
A Birthday
yummy cakes
Yesterday was Tom's birthday so we picked up Aaron in Waterloo and headed into Toronto to spend some time with Jenny and family. What a great family day, hanging out at the Strakers...Jenny, Steve, 4 kids a dog and a cat! Well actually the oldest grandaughter Melaina was off to work, she was missed. Gabrielle grandaughter number 2 was with us for the day but then off to a movie with her BF, the rest of us headed out to dinner at The Green Eggplant in the beach. Lovely food, great bustling atmosphere then back to Jenny's for coffee and yummy cake. As we were getting ready to head back to Stratford...Aaron commented that he really didn't want to leave...he said "there is so much life in this house". Oh how true...what is better than a happy family!
Unfortunately I didn't get as many pics as I would have liked but will next time.
Of note the dog Holden says Yumm Yumm for his treats, the cat Pink, who is actually black High Fives for his treats. Now I know what Jenny does with her spare time!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
another journal page
I often have a problem falling asleep and when I do I tend read but there are times when I just love to cut and paste. I love all things paper, found objects, stamps, etc...I also keep 2 journals going at all times one is all text the other as above is anything goes!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
journal page
my wish list ... oh I know dream on...but look at that hair!!!! I love simple tailored cotton pj's, I am constantly in search of the perfect white cotton shirt and jeans that make me look....mmm 21 well how about 35..even that would be great or just the perfect fitting jean would do...all shallow I know but I am a girl!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
on reading Proust
In Search of Lost Time
For Christmas I received the first 3 volumes of In Search Of Lost Time along with a readers guide...this from my son Aaron. I am not sure if he has great faith in me or thinks I need a challenge. So here I am on page 112 of Swann's Way and am starting to love it. Already I am making margin notes which I only occasionally do with a novel. Funny things are happening with this book. While I was reading a few days ago I picked up another book I own called defining moments in Books to see what may be mentioned on Proust. What I found was a key passage from Swann's Way "No sooner had the warm liquid and the crumbs with it, touched my palate"...etc. I then continued to read from Swann's way and 2 pages later came to the exact paragraph. Now in a book of 606 pages what are the chances of that!
Something else I found interesting was in a description of M. Legrandin an engineeer who is also a writer...this passage... He was one of that class of men who, apart from a scientific career in which they may well have proved brilliantly successful, have acquired an entirely diffenent kind of culture, literary or artistic, for which their professional specialisation has no use but by which their conversation profits. More lettered than many men of letters.....endowed of greater "facility" than many painters, they imagine that the life they are obliged to lead is not for which they are really fitted, and they bring to their regular occupations either an indifference tinged with fantasy, or a sustained and haughty application, scornful, bitter and conscientious.
That I found amazing in the sense that so many people throughout life are living a life that is not truly who they are...just a thought!
Well on with my mission....volume one of seven!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Our Christmas Project
In the Doorway Between Day and Night
This year Tom and I decided to put together a book of his poetry and my photos to give as a gift to family and special friends. I must admit that Tom did most of the work. He used the Blurb website and spent many many hours on this project. All I did was take the pics. Together we tried to find some connection between the photos and poems, some obvious some not so much. We used the photo above as our cover pic.
In all
Follow the link blow to view the book.
Monday, January 04, 2010
playing with colour
I was wondering if my blog was too dark so started to play a little with the colour, this is brighter but not sure I like it..
Sunday, January 03, 2010
The Nest
Our son Aaron has been with us for a month and today he has left to continue his path. He will only be about 40 minutes away which will be nice and a big change since he has lived away from us for about 10 years, spending time on both the east and west coasts as well as in Ottawa. Most recently he has lived in Victoria BC while attending U Vic. He has made the decision to transfer to Waterloo.
Yesterday we started helping him move some things into a little "nest" in Kitchener. Today he and his father have left Stratford to deposit him in this new place. My thoughts are mixed. It was fun having Aaron with us, but of course it threw off our routines completely but perhaps that is not a bad thing. In some ways it will be nice to have my space back. I will miss him though. It feels good to have him close. While at this space he has rented I was disturbed by how cold it was. Now it was the coldest day of winter so far, it took me about 8 hours to get the chill out of my bones. I have sent him off with an electric blanket if only to make myself feel better.
Once a mom always a mom...does not matter how old our chidren are...we continue to hold them close.
Good luck to my amazing son!
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year
Brought in New Years Day with Tom and Aaron and a walk in the snow here in Stratford. It is a perfect snowy day to start 2010. I love New Years Day! I love putting up my new calendars! There is a little sadness in putting Christmas away but kind of a cleansing as well...other than that will spend the day relaxing, reading...a few pages left in The Bishops Man, and watching movies and the snow falling gently outside my window.
Happy New Year!
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