Why do I seem to have so much trouble with this time of year? It seems I have a love/hate relationship with it, although perhaps hate is a little strong. I always want things to be perfect in every way. I want everyone to happy and relaxed, myself included. The relaxed part is quite fleeting for me, just snippets here and there. Mostly my mind travels in crazy non productive circles.
I have made many changes over the years to simplify, very few social engagements, no work party's etc. Maybe a lunch or 2 with those most important to me. The rest is family time.
Since moving to Stratford in 2001 we head back to Port Hope each Christmas to my parents home. My mom having MS is confined to a wheel chair, travelling is getting harder for them. So off to Port Hope we go, have extended family and friends over Christmas Eve, usually eat too much, maybe a little more wine is consumed than usual and stay up too late. But it is so much fun. I just need to be organized to bring food, drink etc. Our son Aaron is with us and will be with us for the holidays. Our daughter Jenny, her husband Steve and 4 children, Melaina, Gabrielle, Isaac and Madeline will be coming to Port Hope Christmas Day and also bringing along Gloria, Steves mom who always spends holidays with us. Each Christmas night we visit dear friends north of Port hope, only for an hour two which ends up lasting till 2am! I love all of this once it happens and feel so lucky to have these special people in my life.
On that note I must continue my preparations knowing it will all come together.