Friday, May 29, 2009

I took a few pics in to be printed today...this is one of them...not sure how it will work out. It will be 5" x 12"

It was taken near Gallery of my favourite places to stroll.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I came across this pic on The Satorialist( a fab fahsion blog) a few months ago. I have saved I because I hope to look like this woman s I get older...she is so earthy and classy at the same time.

Well I have been a vegetarian (mostly) for a year now. I was quite motivated after watching a documentary depiciting the conditions that animals are housed and slaughtered in. It was fairly easy at first but does get challenging at times, too many carbs seems to be a problem. It is easier in summer when there is an abundance of fresh fruits and veggies available.

This is one of our recent barbecued dinners which I loved.

Monday, May 04, 2009

photo walks

Since taking the photography class I have mixed feelings about taking pics. On one hand I need to get out there and explore, on the other hand I am becoming more critical of the pics I take which I suppose is a good thing. I am resisting auto mode and using setting more. At times I forget than I can actaully use auto mode if I am having trouble getting whay I want...a fine balance I guess. All in all this is fun and keeps my brain engaged. These a few pics I took last night on my walk around the Stratford Festival Theatre. I am happy to be getting soem depth of field!